The first photo is the current Nativity, with more robes complete, the border, and now she is working on the itty bitty faces. The back ground will be gold leaved, and I am so anxious to see the finished product!
The second photo is a bad picture of a lovely icon in progress. This is the Nursing Mother of God, and the robe work is very intricate. I'll try to get a better picture of it next time.
The next two photos are of Christ the Teacher, without and with the gold leaf. She has some cleaning up and a few details to do, then she will be finished.
The last picture is The Good Shepherd, just beginning the face. This is a lovely and vibrant icon.
1 comment:
I tried to post a comment but it didn't seem to take, so let me try again.
It is fun watching these take shape; makes me look forward to the class I will teach in August.
In the helpful hints dept: if you paint the areas that are going to be gilded (yellow oxide) the little spots where the gilding doesn't take do not stand out like they do if left white.
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