The Nativity icon is finished! This is a case where the student far outdid the teacher. I hesitate to even call myself the teacher on this one, but maybe the color picker outer? Anyway, it is beautiful, isn't it?

And this is the progress I made tonight on the Samaritan Woman at the well icon. I began the mountains. I also did finish the Manylion icon, by touching up a few things and lettering the halo. As soon as it is varnished, I'll take a picture. I have a few more icons to post next week, a St. George that has just been started, and a St. Michael that is on the beginning of the face. Until then...
I am, as ever, speechless at your immense talent.
But having said that....
I was wondering about your students, have you ever taught anyone who was abslutely abismal at art? How on earth would you enable someone to accomplish such an icon as thos below this post, if they were no good? Do they have to have any artistic ability? Becaue it all looks so good!
I strongly suspect that you are exactly the kind of person who can *draw* great things from even the least creatively blessed individual :-)
Just found your blog... I'm also an iconographer, but I use egg tempera, so the gold leaf goes on first, before the rest of the icon is painted. It's interesting watching these icons on your blog in progress. I've been curious about acrylics but haven't tried them yet. Have you also painted with egg tempera, and if so, which do you prefer, and why?
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