A 12 year old working on Jesus' face.

Another face of Jesus in an earlier stage

This one is waiting for the gold leaf size to dry. It is interesting to note that this student is Chinese, and I think there is an Asian look to Jesus' face.

One of the younger students working on robes

Our youngest students icon (he is 10). He has just begun the face, and I will be assisting him with the shading after this break.

This is one of my more particular students. He is moving slowly, but doing a beautiful job!
I'm astounded at the youngsters ability and talent. You must be an awfully good teacher, my friend!
These kids must be so tickled at the way their icons are coming together!
Did I tell you that our visiting Seminarian was a former Art teacher and he is going to do a class early in July on making a stain glass project with anyone interested? I am so wanting to learn about that also.
That is so cool. Seriously. Tell them their icons look awesome for me!
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