Friday, June 29, 2007

The penultimate day!

Three Christ the Teachers. Gold leafed and varnished. Whoo-hoo!
(Click on the photos for a closer view)

And the final product of our youngest iconographer. The face was a bit of a joint project between he and I, but, I think he did terrific, and it is a beautiful icon.

This one is almost finished. I have already finished the halo lines since I took this photo. Can you read the book? Christ the Teacher icons have the book open, with His own words present. The kids all picked their own verses, as long as they were Christ's words. I am so impressed with what they chose!

This one will be finished tomorrow. Since I took this photo I finished the halo lines and border. Thanks for the prayers, everyone, they really helped.


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Aren`t they all fantastic ? You are obviously a very good teacher :-)

I would be so proud if I had been able to make one like those; sadly I have the artistic ability of a stone....

Henny Penny said...

They're all turning out lovely, Renee! I must say that my eyes were drawn to the one of Mary. Very striking! :o)

owenswain said...

Fabulous work. Obviously, a fabulous instructor.

O ::thrive luminousmiseries ||

Kitchen Madonna said...
